- The opening of account is subject to realization of the cheque or the online payment received
- The account number allotted to you is in inactive status to avoid any unauthorized transactions. Transaction will be allowed post activation of your account after completion of account opening formalities. In case the documents submitted along with the application do not comply with the KYC guidelines of IIFL, the application is liable to be rejected
- This facility is currently available to open a resident broking account only. Please note Non Individual and NRIs cannot be opened through this.
- The User Id – chosen by you will remain available for 60 days from the date of selecting the account number, In case the account does not get opened within 60 days the User ID will not be available for the customer.
- In case the documents submitted along with the application do not comply with the KYC guidelines of IIFL, the application is liable to be rejected and IIFL will not be liable to refund the Account opening fees and any interest on the amount.
- I/We understand that IIFL may at it absolute discretion, discontinue any of the Services completely or partially without any notice to me/us.
- I/We understand that investment products are not IIFL objects or other obligations of or guaranteed or insured by IIFL Ltd. or their affiliates. They are subject to risk and possible loss of principal. Past Performance is not indicative of future performance. I/We hereby declare the above information is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
- I/We shall advice IIFL immediately in the manner as agreed by me/us and acceptable to IIFL, in case of any change in the above details and information given by me/us. I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions available at IIFL's web-site www.indiainfoline.com
- All new to IIFL, customers can fund their account online, from specific list of Payment Gateway options. The amount will be credited into customer account post account activation and basis availability of clear funds.
- While transferring funds through online mode(s), IIFL will not accept any responsibility
or liability of whatsoever nature in respect of any loss or damage arising directly
or indirectly to the customer out of the decline due to:
- lack of authorization for any transaction/s,
- or exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by the customer and his/her remitting "Bank(s)",
- or any payment issues arising out of the transaction,
- or decline of transaction for any other reason/s.
Please Note:
- Customer can avail Alerts Services to receive transaction details/information relating to your IIFL account through SMS on the mobile number registered with IIFL
- All accounts will be opened in the same combination as provided in the Account Opening Form by the Customer.
- All alerts, e-newsletter and promotional mails will be sent to the preferred mobile number and e-mail ID.
- As per IIFL Policy we can provide only one Userid/Login id for a client opening trading account in Equity and Commodity. If you are already registered in Equity and you want to open Commodity account or vice versa, please note you are requested to use your existing Userid/Login Id and complete the account opening formalities.